Thursday 28 June 2012

Tail's post......."the day Byron became a man-child"....

Hello fellow followers. As you can see in the title my name is Taylor aka Tails. Today we stopped in the middle of nowhere, but it's a great place. It has a river lots of wood for a fire and yeah all good. It was about a 4 to 4 1/2 hours. Sam aka Easty and Pete Eastment set up the yabbie trap and we caught a few. Sam and I are making a litte video series so yeah. Today Byron became a man-child because he did his first bush poo in a hole that my dad dug! Well I'm getting tired so off to bed for me and that's the end of day 3. Well CYA!!

1 comment:

  1. Hey guys! Wow!! Sounds great...well, all but the poo bit. Although big pat on the back to you Byron. You are braver than me. And where does the toilet paper go in those circumstances? If you have to keep it in a bag like dog turds I don't want to know.

    The boys are missing their buddies heaps, and apparently Easty got Best Senior Athlete for the Athletics Carnival so big congrats to you Easty! YOU LEGEND!

    All our love to the travellers. We miss you already!!

    Lots of love and post some photos!!

    J, P, J & S
